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books and reading

I’m going to Graceland


I’m going to Graceland

When describing myself, “Elvis fan” would not make the list of characteristics.  But, I do love me some Elvis.  And, I have always wanted to make the pilgrimage to see his house (and car museum, and plane).  And, I was looking forward to a lot more than just Graceland:  I wanted to see the duck parade at the Peabody Hotel, try Guss’s famous fried chicken, and listen to some music on Beale Street.


Reading in transit


Reading in transit

My inexplicable aversion to instruction manuals aside, I take great pleasure in reading.  So, as you’d expect, I like to read when traveling.  I read in airports, on airplanes, in hotels.  Up until recently, this presented a big challenge:  how could I pack enough material to keep myself entertained for a long trip?


Hawaii deserves better from me


Hawaii deserves better from me

I know this paragraph will sound snobbish and off-putting, but here I go: everyone speaks English so it’s comfortable and easy.  And it’s American, so it’s clean and modern.  There aren’t any bugs or snakes.  Or exotic diseases.  You can drink the water.


I've never been to Yemen...


I've never been to Yemen...

I’ve never been to Yemen…and it has been devastating to watch the country fall apart, and its people become exposed to war and starvation. I have never been to Yemen, but from the comfort and safety of my home my spirit sinks with disappointment as I follow its developments.


Books in flight: our common ground


Books in flight: our common ground

And, because my mom traveled so often, she would feed our shared addiction with a continuous supply of books she had purchased at the airport and read on her latest flights.  My bookshelves are full of these books from her, books she would hand to me after she finished them.  We would talk about them with warmth, and without any fear of tripping each other’s sensitive emotional landmines.


Ants on the Tracks


Ants on the Tracks

A focal part of my relationship with my niece and nephew is reading.

Sure, we do a lot of tickling, and kissing, and hugging, and chasing, and shoulder rides, and laughing.  There are water slide parks, and cheeseburgers, and musicals…and other things, too.

But, every time put them to bed, we read.

So, it is no surprise that traveling with them involves books, too.
