Sun Fun You

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Mums Gone Wild (okay, not really, but...)

guest post by Rachel Gully, Self-Love Goddess

Becoming a mother is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t come without sacrifices, and oftentimes one of those sacrifices is ourselves.

We spend years bringing up children, being a partner to our spouses, running the home, working a job or running businesses that we forget about our needs.

I’m not discrediting the dads here, they make sacrifices too, but it’s found that there is still more expected from mothers (or those that take on the main caregiver role) - therefore making the parental roles unequal.

And we all deserve a break, right?

That’s why I highly recommend taking some time out alone, or with a friend and take a vacation.


That’s exactly what I did.


Being a mother to 4 children, a wife, a business owner and a homemaker is hard work and a drain on my energy - which in turn can take its toll on the whole household, so when I was offered the opportunity to spend a week away on a wonderful gulet in Turkey with Sun Fun You, I jumped at the chance!

There are several reasons why taking a trip solo if you’re the main caregiver can be beneficial, not only for you but for the rest of the family - here’s why.


It Gives You A Break.

This is pretty obvious, right? We spend so much of our time looking after others that we often forget to look after ourselves. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

It’s so important to take some time out and actually have a break, and I’m not just talking about disappearing into the bathroom for 5 minutes of peace, I mean a real, meaningful break.

I’ve taken two trips with Sun Fun You and they have been the most memorable trips I’ve ever taken because I was given that break and just allowed the time to fully unwind and recharge.

Honestly, spending a week in the middle of the Mediterranean, eating delicious fresh produce, swimming, hiking and daily yoga can be amazing for the soul.

This leads me to my next point -


Reconnect With Yourself

Do you know who you are? Like, really know? Or are you just passing through life as a wife and mother and that’s about it?

Taking a solo trip away from everyday life allows you to reconnect with your inner self, or discover who you are.

I am a big advocate for self-love. About empowering women to take care of themselves. To put themselves first. This is not selfish, but necessary. We need to look after ourselves, our minds, bodies and souls.

Just because we have a family doesn’t mean that it should be all-encompassing. We should be making sure that we are taken care of too!


Good For Your Family

Initially, I felt really guilty about taking a trip abroad without the family. I was going away for 8 days and nights. Leaving four children in the care of my husband, their father. It’s not that I didn’t think he wasn’t capable, I knew he was, but I felt that, as their mother and main caregiver, I should be the one to be there 24/7. But, in turn, I also knew that I needed to find myself and I needed to refill my cup.

Despite missing the family, I had a wonderful time. I was able to relax. I read in the sun. I swam in the sea. I hiked and saw some amazing places off the beaten track.

It was just what my soul needed.