Sun Fun You

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Sweeping our guests

We love the mystery before each Voyage. Who will make us laugh? Who will be the biggest pain 😜? Who will be the biggest delight? What will be the funniest memory? What will be the highlight? Each voyage is different. And the start of each is so exciting!!

One of the things I love about #sunfunyou is it lets me take care of our guests. I relish that role!! Seeing people smile and relax and laugh and nap and just luxuriate in the comfort of knowing that we are here to nurture them and curate their experience and care for them makes me happy to my core!

And my favorite role is sweeping. That’s what I call it at least. You know in soccer how the last person before the goalie is the sweeper? That’s the person watching the field, making sure if someone needs help, she is there. Ensuring everyone has someone to fall back on. That’s me. During hikes, I’m last in line. Never will I let a guest fall behind me, not only because I don’t want the guest to be alone, but I also don’t want anyone to ever feel like they are slowing us down. You’re not. We go at your pace. My pace is your pace. (Except if you’re up front – then your pace is Ali’s pace.)